Victoria, BC

Vincent Laszlo

I’m a creative individual new to Victoria looking for the next right opportunity. I’m a positive and passionate person that loves art, surfing, and snowboarding.



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    • Chapter 2 is a web design company I started to help passionate Artists and Non Profits stand out in the online space. It has been an extremely rewarding and inspiring experience seeing people create a life around what they love.  

    • Having your own Entrepreneurship venture forces you to learn and adapt quickly. Maintaining professional client relationships and balancing workload pushed me to develop great time management skills.

      (2023 to present)

    • The Source is a skateboard and snowboard company located in Alberta. I started working here as a customer service representative for their online store, it was my first time working in an office setting and grew to really enjoy it.

    • My daily tasks included sending professional Emails, talking to customers on the phone, overseeing online orders and the Supply Chain Management of goods.

    • Later I got promoted to Assistant Manager position of the Online Store. Overseeing a team of 6 employees, me and my team successfully managed the businesses Shopify website generating a revenue of CAD $5.7 million in 2023 alone. We also had a ping pong table and I got pretty good at that too.

      (2023 to 2024)

    • I worked as a professional videographer for Calgary Based Video Production. A small team of us filmed Football Games, Live Shows and Special Events.

    • Working with Hart video productions was a great learning experience. I loved working as a team to beautifully capture these special events.

      (2022 to 2024)

    • I worked as a tour photographer at Canadian Wilderness Adventures. They organized tours for snow showing, dog sledding and snowmobiling in the Callaghan Valley just outside of Whistler, BC.

    • Working in remote and harsh conditions taught me to be prepared and work efficiently.


    • I worked as a Camp Consoler for multiple Summers at a French camp called Camp Marion. I thought it was really fun challenge connecting with the kids making sure they are having good time.

    • This job thought me to how to be a a leader, motivator and handle responsibility at a young age.

      (2015 to 2017)

What I value in workplace

Good people

Flexible schedule

stimulating work


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  • Maintain a positive attitude and approachable demeanor towards colleagues and customers .

    I'm pretty easy to talk to.

  • I don't know why this is here...

  • I'm observant to the details. I love it when things are done right.

  • Experienced in collaborating with people to achieve a common goals. I work well with others.

  • I'm a dedicated and hardworking individual that puts in the effort to learn and sharpen my skills.


Durham College

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Graduate 2020


289 388 8926

 Fun FAQs

  • I was living in Calgary for the past few years and felt like I need to live closer to the ocean. I love to surf and explore new spots so South Island seemed like the perfect place to plant my feet.

    There was also a full week of -40C last Winter.. Me and my lady knew it was time for a change.

  • If I'm not surfing I love biking, hiking, swimming and taking photographs.

    I've also been really into shaping surfboards and building custom furniture for my small apartment.

  • yes, I can stand it! :)

  • Burritos

  • Actually yeah, how did you know?

    When I was 17, I saved up a good chunk of change and lived in my small suv for 7 months for fun. Leaving the house in Toronto I took my time driving South once I hit the West Coast. I spent most of my time teaching myself how to surf making my way to San Diego. Time and money well spent.

  • These questions are getting out of control. No I cant physically juggle. But metaphorically I can juggle a few things at once. Last year I had a full time Job at the Source, while running my own Design company and working video jobs when I the opportunity showed up. I also really like spending time with my friends so last year definitely felt like a juggle.